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Woodrow Wilson Campaign Buttons. Welcome to the Woodrow Wilson campaign buttons section on Featured here are Woodrow Wilson Campaign Buttons from his 1912 and 1916 presidential campaign buttons. Woodrow Wilson was elected the 28th President of the United States in November of 1912. Wilson served two full terms and was President during World War One. Following the war, Wilson traveled to Europe for the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, becoming the first United States President while in office to travel to Europe. For his efforts on behalf of peace , Wilson was awarded the Noble Peace Prize of 1919. Prior to his eight years in the White House, Wilson won his first elective office when in 1910 he was elected. Governor of New Jersey. Pictured here are Woodrow Wilson campaign buttons from his successful 1912 and1916 presidential campaigns. In addition to Wilson presidential buttons this sections also features Wilson Marshall campaign buttons.