Biden and Trump Have Super Duper Super Tuesday

2024 Joe Biden For President Campaign ButtonMarch 6 , 2024 - With victories coast to coast yesterday President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump effectively secured their respective 2024 Donald Trump for President campaign button. parties nomination as they resounding won contest after contest and most importantly each accumulated large amounts of convention delegates.

Biden has now secured 1,506 of the 1,968 needed to win the Democratic party presidential nomination. Trump has secured to date 1,004 of the 1,215 needed to capture the Republican Party presidential nomination. Super Tuesday also ended the competition either candidate faced as Republican Nikki Haley and Democrat  Dean Phillips both ended their presidential campaign in the aftermath of Super Tuesday. 

The next big date of the presidential primary calendar is March 19 when voters head to the polls in  Arizona ,  Florida , Illinois , Kansas and Ohio.

If they haven't before March 19 collected the necessary delegates needed for nomination , that will be day that Biden and Trump lock down the final delegates needed to be the nominee of their respective parties.