Senator Rand Paul Enters 2016 Presidential Race

Rand Paul for President campaign button. April 7, 2015 - Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky will make it official today when announces at a rally in Louisville that heRon Paul for President Campaign Button. is running for president. Paul , a Republican, will become the second person to join the contest for the GOP presidential nomination following the recent announcement of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas of his White House intentions.

After his announcement, Paul,52, will immediately visit all the early primary and caucus states with stops scheduled in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Iowa and Nevada. Currently Paul is in third place in national polls with 12% behind current front runner former Florida Governor Jeb Bush with 16% and second place holder Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker with 13%.

Paul is not the first member of his family to appear on a Paul for president campaign button , as his father former Texas Congressman Ron Paul ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 and 2012 and was also the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in 1988.

First elected to the United States Senate in 2010 , Paul does not have to worry about giving up his Senate seat to run for president. Kentucky is expected to change from a presidential primary to a presidential caucus which would allow Paul to run for both offices. Because Kentucky law bars a person from appearing twice on a ballot , by switching to a presidential caucus this will allow Paul to circumvent the rule.